Bacca Pipes News Page
This news page has been partly replaced with an updated Gallery Page which has been redesigned to make it easy to add new photos and caption.11 December 2024 : Carols at the Institute
Every year in December we have a "Carols Night". The evening is filled with Christmas carols, mostly chosen from the repertoire of "Baccappella", a group of club members which used to go singing for charity every December in the streets of Haworth and Grassington. In recent years the Carols night has included some of the Sheffield Carols with instrumental accompaniments and musical interludes called "symphonies". This year, to make up for not going out and singing on the streets, we met for a general sing on the morning of 11 December, at the Institute, including instruments and members of the recently-formed Sacred Harp Singing group. A jolly time was had by all, including a tea break with copious mince pies, and Mike Hockenhull secretly recorded some of what we did. Here are two of the Sheffield Carols arrangements.Diadem
Transcribed and arranged by Ian RussellPentonville
(While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night)Transcribed and arranged by Ian Russell
1st November 2024: Celebrating 50 Years of Jenny
Advertised as "Club Closed for a Private Celebration", what actually happened on 1 November 2024 was a party to celebrate 50 years of Jenny Scott running the Bacca Pipes folk club. Not many folk clubs have survived 50 years, and very few indeed (any?) under the leadership of one person for that entire time. Those who needed to know about the party were, of course, let in on the secret and invited.
Mike Wilson and Damien Barber were invited as guest performers, but on the day Mike had to cancel because he had shingles. Damien gave us an excellent night with two sets rather shorter than usual to allow time for a long break in the middle for extensive nibbles, bottles of fizz, speeches, an amazing cake, a prizegiving and a poem composed for the occasion by Nigel Schofield. We hope to have photos here soon (you may find some on Facebook too.)
Here's the cake:
March 2024 - Sacred harp Singing Sessions
We are starting a new Sacred Harp singing session at the Institute, monthly on a Wednesday morning starting at 10am.Cost will be £3 per person to cover hires of hall.
See Sacred Harp Page for more details.