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A page of Ukrainian Club pictures. Our most elegant home.
Not to be confused with the later Ukrainian Club in Keighley, which was also our home later but far less opulent.
(Photos: Jim Ellison)
The imposing front door. The dormer floor served as a school for

Ukrainian children for many years. The imposing front door. The dormer floor served as a school for
Ukrainian children for many years.
The front gate in Ukrainian national colours, Blue (sky) and Yellow (wheat). These gates had to be locked after the club, so anyone lingering for a chat in the car park was liable to be there all night. The front gate in Ukrainian national colours, Blue (sky) and Yellow (wheat). These gates had to be locked after the club, so anyone lingering for a chat in the car park was liable to be there all night.
Often rushed through on the way to the bar, the hall sported original tiles, plasterwork and stained glass, not to mention a rather fine marble and cast iron radiator cover. Often rushed through on the way to the bar, the hall sported original tiles, plasterwork and stained glass, not to mention a rather fine marble and cast iron radiator cover.
The plasterwork continued in the bar. Only visible from the floor after

4 bottles of Landlord. The plasterwork continued in the bar. Only visible from the floor after
4 bottles of Landlord.
Mahogany and cast iron banister helped you up the wide stone stairs to the BACCApipes club room. Mahogany and cast iron banister helped you up the wide stone stairs to the BACCApipes club room.